Mussorie-The Queen of Hills, generally considered as a weekend getaway, is a story that has more pages than people know. It has been my first travel after the lockdown crisis and it has been so great to feel the cold breeze while riding the bike with valleys, slopy and serene roads up the hill closing the mountains. Sometimes it's better to enjoy one's own company, one's own thoughts, one's own mood, one's own choice of food, one's own feelings with thousand other meanings flying above this vast blue sky, across this huge mountains reaching to someone somewhere unknown of happenings...!! This was the exact thought going in my mind when I set for this trip. Moreover, I was dicey about travelling due to quarantine rules but it was a rough patch of not travelling more than for 8 months now. So I booked my bunk bed in Zostel and set to Mussoorie, and something fantastic happened there that has strengthened my belief in the concept of ‘serendipity’. The ‘...